Blog Posts Written by Eileen Williamson,
How do you know which qualities in a good nurse are most important? Six qualities rise to the top for those who excel in nursing.
Nurse Managers and Leaders: Differences and Qualities They Share
Every nurse is called to be a leader, and some take on formal roles as nurse managers and leaders. But these roles are hardly synonymous.
Ensure You Love Your First Nursing Job — Choose Wisely!
After you pass the NCLEX, finding your first nursing job is one of two things you need to think about as you move through the period between nursing school and work. The second thing is making sure your first nursing job is the right one.
During and Post-Pandemic, How Do We Care for Caregivers With PTSD?
Our front-line heroes who are caring for the victims of COVID-19 may be victims themselves. They may be dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Nurse to Patient Ratios: Leaders Have Their Work Cut Out for Them
When it comes to nurse to patient ratios, it’s not just about numbers. Ensuring you have the right mix of nurses requires constant advocacy and review.
During Coronavirus Pandemic, Nurses Need Leaders Who Advocate for Them
Since the first days of the coronavirus outbreak — which quickly became the coronavirus pandemic — news items and information have come in faster than we can digest them and take the needed actions. Whether you're a staff nurse or nurse leader, all of us are worried about what we’re hearing and what all of it means.
Nurse Leader, Are You Really Listening to Your Staff?
Good advice can come from many different sources. According to mothers and a sage Greek philosopher, we should listen twice as much as we talk. As a nurse leader, you should do the same. As a nurse leader, you should know what your staff thinks about their jobs and show you're listening.
Year of the Nurse and Midwife Is a Call to Action for Nurse Leaders
2020 ushers in a watershed moment in nursing. It is one in which there will be much to celebrate and be proud of. The International Year of the Nurse and Midwife guarantees a year of extra recognition for the women and men who make up more than half of the healthcare professionals worldwide.
Avoid Social Media Pitfalls for Nurses by Maintaining Professionalism Online
You’ve worked too hard to become an RN and get to this point in your career. God forbid your career is jeopardized by your own social media post! Social media pitfalls for nurses do exist, and they can make you vulnerable to reprimands and disciplinary action by your employer and your state’s board of nursing.
The BSN by 2020 Push: How Close Are We to Achieving This Milestone?
With 2019 coming to an end, nurses are asking where we are in meeting the goal set by the landmark 2010 Institute of Medicine report on the Future of Nursing to have 80% of practicing RNs with a BSN by 2020. Thanks to lot of hard work during the past decade we’ve made important, positive strides.