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How to Write a Thank-You Letter After a Nursing Interview

You've done all the hard work of preparing for the interview for your dream job. This role has all of the things you're looking for — the right hours, the right floor, and the right pay. You've nailed the interview and feel great about how it all went. Now it's time to sit back, relax, and wait for your offer. Or is it? 

Don't relax too quickly — there's one more, often forgotten step. You should always send a thank-you letter after a nursing interview. Writing a thank-you letter may be something you're inclined to skip. After all, you've aced the interview and have the skillset and personality to be a perfect fit for the unit. However, this thank-you letter can be the thing that sets you apart from the others who have interviewed for the same position.

What to say in the thank-you letter

Obviously, this is a thank-you letter, so you'll want to thank those you interviewed with for their time and attention. There are a few other things you will want to include as well:

  • Restate your interest in the position.
  • Discuss specific conversations you had during the interview and what you took away from them.
  • Remind the reader what makes you a great fit for the job.
  • Tailor each letter to the person you're sending it to.

Recalling and including the specifics of your interview instead of sending a generic thank-you letter can show the reader that you're truly interested in the role and that you paid attention during the interview. You can also use this opportunity to follow up on anything that needed to be clarified during your interview or if there was anything else you may have wanted to add. Show off your excitement about the job! 

One other thing — be sure your spelling is correct and that you've gotten everyone's names right. The last thing you want to do is lose out on your dream job because of a simple error. Make sure everything you mention in the letter is correct and accurate — job title, credentials, etc. Read it over a few times before sending it off to ensure you're good to go.

How long should the letter be?

Keep it short and sweet, while still relaying your message You aren't writing a novel, and frankly, your interviewer won't have the time to read one. Keep your email to a reasonable length — no more than around 300 words.

Who should get a thank-you letter after a nursing interview?

Anyone who interviewed you should get a thank-you letter. Often after interviews are finished, there will be discussions among all of those who participated. Be sure to thank all who were involved, being respectful of what each of them brought to the process. If you don't have everyone's email address, you can do a little sleuthing online to find out what it is. Often healthcare systems use a standard email address template for their employees, so it may not be too difficult to figure out. 

Look back through the emails and calendar invites to see who was included in them, so you're sure not to forget anyone. If it comes down to it and there is still an email address you don't have, it's OK to ask someone else for it.

When should the thank-you letter be sent?

The general rule of thumb is that a thank-you letter should be sent within 24 to 48 hours following the interview. This timeframe allows for your interview to remain fresh in the minds of those who interviewed you, without waiting too long. You want to seem interested, but not pushy

Remember, you don't want to send a generic thank you with no personality. This is the time to let your personality and qualifications shine. Remind the interviewer why you're a great candidate for the position and show your continued interest. 

If you're really stumped on what to add to it or how to format the letter, there are many examples of thank-you letters you can find online. Now that your thank you letters have been written, it's time to relax and wait for the offer to come in!